
Hillcrest Blog

How to Know When it’s Time…

Often when it comes to making an end of life decisions, some people struggle with knowing when the time is right.


Hyperthyroidism is a relatively common hormone disorder in older cats. It is extremely uncommon in dogs. Hyperthyroidism is caused by a tumour of the thyroid gland which creates excessive levels of thyroid hormone. Since thyroid hormone is the master control hormone for body metabolism, this causes the metabolism of these cats to be very high.


Hypothyroidism is a relatively common hormone disorder in dogs as well as people. It is extremely uncommon in cats. One breed that seems over-represented when we see this disease is the Golden Labrador Retriever. In dogs there are a couple of mechanisms by which the disease occurs, however the most common one is mediated by […]

Cat and dog sharing food on a plate

Diabetes mellitus

Diabetes mellitus… otherwise known as just plain “Diabetes”, is every bit as sneaky and nasty a disease in dogs and cats as it is in people. Diabetes is created when cells in the pancreas (called Islets of Langerhans) no longer produce insulin. Insulin is required by the cells of your body as the transport mechanism […]