Blog: Pet Parasite Prevention

There’s Fungus amungus!

  A friend of mine is absolutely paranoid about getting ringworm, or more correctly, about her cats getting the disease. Her concern is understandable, since it’s a highly contagious skin condition and she knows several people who have had it in their homes recently. Badly misnamed, ringworm isn’t a “worm”...

Fleas! Fleas! Fleas!

Although we are far from the flea heaven that is Florida, Quinte West is a wonderful habitat for fleas in the summertime. Here at Hillcrest Animal Hospital it is probably the single most common problem that we deal with over the year. Believe it or not, even dinosaurs suffered from...

Heartworm Disease

Heartworm is one of the most lethal parasites that can affect our canine companions. If an infestation is undiagnosed and untreated it will prove fatal. Annually, heartworms infest millions of dogs in North America, most especially in the southern United States. Once concentrated in these warmer areas (Florida in particular)...

Ticks! Yuck!

If you’ve ever found a revolting grayish pink insect sucking blood out of your dog’s neck, it won’t likely help much to know that, here in Quinte West (Trenton), ticks don’t often carry disease. The “yuck” factor associated with these ugly bugs is enough to send most pet owners scrambling...