Blog: cat health

What you need to know about kitten vaccinations

Kittens will get vaccinations at 8 weeks, 12 weeks and 16 weeks, then annually. Overview A vaccine is a substance created to incite an immune response for a particular disease.  It needs to be given multiple times to a kitten to initiate his immune system. 

Grey kitten scratching its leg

Parasites and your kitten

Fleas Fleas will live on your cat and feed every 5 minutes.  As you can imagine being bitten so very often is quite uncomfortable for your pet.  Signs of fleas can be itching, skin issues, poor coat, and in young pets, we have seen anemia (not enough red blood cells...

A cat drinking out of a red bowl

My Cat Loves Milk

Every cat seems to love milk or cream, but we have all been told “Do not give milk to your cat!”

A cat eating out of a bowl

Don’t Let Your Fat Cat Stop Eating!

When we want our overweight cat to begin to lose some of his or her excess poundage we may decide to use “tough love”