Blog: pet care



The outdoor world can be big and scary, especially when you are the size of a cat. As we all know, there are a lot of dangers outside for cats too, whether it be predators or motor vehicles. As the saying goes, the biggest thing that gets our cats into trouble...

A cat sticking its tongue out

Your Cat Needs To Drink More Water

Your cat may be prone to troubles with his urinary tract system and one easy way to help prevent this is to encourage increased intake of water. Feed your cat canned food. It is high in water content, and most cats appreciate the treat.

Cat getting a vaccine from a veterinarian

Rabies Vaccine: Does My Indoor Cat Really Need It?

Recently I heard someone mention that “rabies is extinct and no longer exists.” Unfortunately, as much as we would love for that to be true, it just isn’t.

Smiling pug

Smelly Breath to Fresh Smiles

Your senior pet is in desperate need of a dental cleaning, but you have concerns about putting an older pet under anesthetic for a “cosmetic procedure.”