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Lyme Disease
Lyme Disease

Lyme Disease

Unlike humans, who might show obvious symptoms like a bullseye rash, our furry companions often suffer in silence.

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Protecting Your Pet’s Health
Protecting Your Pet’s Health

Protecting Your Pet’s Health

As pet parents, we cherish the companionship and joy our furry family members bring into our lives, especially as we eagerly anticipate sunnier days and outdoor adventures.

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Importance & Benefits of Pet Insurance
The Importance and Benefits of Pet Insurance

Importance & Benefits of Pet Insurance

Pet insurance can cover a range of veterinary expenses, from sudden accidents to ongoing illnesses and even routine care. 

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Bringing Home Your Puppy
Bringing Home Your Puppy

Bringing Home Your Puppy

When choosing to get a dog, it’s essential to consider your current lifestyle but also what life changes you expect during the lifespan of the dog you’re about to take home.

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Parasites and Your Puppy
Parasites and Your Puppy

Parasites and Your Puppy

Ticks are parasites that feed on blood.  They like to wait in long grass and wooded areas waiting for you or your pet to walk by.  

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Parasites and Your Kitten
Parasites and Your Kitten

Parasites and Your Kitten

Fleas will live on your cat and feed every 5 minutes.  As you can imagine being bitten so very often is quite uncomfortable for your pet.

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Aural Hematoma
Aural Hematoma

Aural Hematoma

Broken down, the word “Aural” means ear, and “Hematoma” means an accumulation of blood outside a blood vessel. 

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Age Is Not a Disease
Age Is Not a Disease

Age Is Not a Disease

As our pets age and transition into their golden years, it’s important to make the most of that time and keep them comfortable.

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Hyperthyroidism is a relatively common hormone disorder in older cats. It is extremely uncommon in dogs. 

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How to Know When it’s Time…
How to Know When it’s Time…

How to Know When it’s Time…

Often when it comes to making an end of life decisions, some people struggle with knowing when the time is right. 

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Hypothyroidism is a relatively common hormone disorder in dogs as well as people. It is extremely uncommon in cats. 

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Diabetes mellitus
Diabetes mellitus

Diabetes mellitus

Diabetes mellitus… otherwise known as just plain “Diabetes”, is every bit as sneaky and nasty a disease in dogs and cats as it is in people.

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