Parasites and Your Puppy
Ticks & Lyme Disease Ticks are parasites that feed on blood. They like to wait in long grass and wooded areas waiting for you or your pet to walk by. When a host gets close enough the tick grabs on to the fur and begins her task of finding the perfect spot to feed.
Parasites and Your Kitten
Fleas Fleas will live on your cat and feed every 5 minutes. As you can imagine being bitten so very often is quite uncomfortable for your pet. Signs of fleas can be itching, skin issues, poor coat, and in young pets, we have seen anemia (not enough red blood cells to carry oxygen).
Aural Hematoma
Broken down, the word “Aural” means ear, “Hematoma” means an accumulation of blood outside a blood vessel.
Age Is Not a Disease
As our pets age and transition into their golden years, it’s important to make the most of that time and keep them comfortable. Our pets age much faster than we do and it’s easy to forget that, especially when they still act like they did when they were younger.