Blog: General

Aural hematoma

Aural Hematoma

Broken down, the word “Aural” means ear, “Hematoma” means an accumulation of blood outside a blood vessel.

Great dane standing in grass

The Word No One Wants to Hear: Bloat

In the veterinary field, there is a lot of things that we don’t want to say out loud for fear of tempting fate.


Continuing Education

When I was in school, mainly public and high school, learning new things was such a chore.

A cat and dog lying down and snuggling up to each other

Age Is Not a Disease

As our pets age and transition into their golden years, it’s important to make the most of that time and keep them comfortable. Our pets age much faster than we do and it’s easy to forget that, especially when they still act like they did when they were younger.