Blog: dog health

Puppy sitting in grass and scratching its leg

Parasites and your puppy

Ticks & Lyme Disease Ticks are parasites that feed on blood.  They like to wait in long grass and wooded areas waiting for you or your pet to walk by.  When a host gets close enough the tick grabs on to the fur and begins her task of finding the...

What you need to know about puppy vaccinations

Puppies will get vaccinations at 8 weeks, 12 weeks and 16 weeks, then annually. Overview A vaccine is a substance created to incite an immune response for a particular disease.  It needs to be given multiple times to a puppy to initiate his immune system

Greying senior dog with its mouth open

My Pet Is Too Old for Anesthetic

When talking with clients who have senior pets, the biggest comment I hear is, “They are much too old to be under anesthetic.” I want to help put your mind at ease in regards to that concern.

Dogs Playing Together

How to Keep Your Busy Dog Active

One of the most common reasons behind why our canine companions act out can be traced back to just being bored! Some high energy dogs, like border collies, are easily bored when they don’t have a job to keep them busy.