


The outdoor world can be big and scary, especially when you are the size of a cat. As we all know, there are a lot of dangers outside for cats too, whether it be predators or motor vehicles. As the saying goes, the biggest thing that gets our cats into trouble is probably curiosity.

sick dog

When to Call

It can be difficult to know when your pet is having an emergency, here is an outline of how to judge the situation.


Travelling Without Your Pet

Everyone likes a little time away every now and then, but sometimes, that means leaving the pets at home. When you find yourself preparing to leave on a trip, don’t forget about the four-legged family members.


Parasite Season

We keep using this phrase and I felt it may need a further description, as we in the profession use it so often we expect others around us know what we group into it. Sadly, the term “parasite season” is ever evolving as new and even grosser bugs adapt to our climate.