Blog: pet health

close up of an adult tick on dog fur

Lyme Disease

What is it? Lyme disease is caused by Borrelia burgdorferi spirochete. How is it spread? The main carrier is the Ixodes scapularis tick, aka the deer tick. What are the clinical signs of Lyme disease? 95% of dogs are asymptomatic. In the acute form, dogs can have a transient fever,...


Do You Think Your Pet Has Allergies?

Described as a hypersensitivity of the immune system to something your pet is exposed to in the environment or diet

Dog and cat sharing food from an orange bowl

How to Properly Store Pet Food

Something we all tend to forget about is how we are storing our pet’s food. Surprisingly it can be the cause to those unexplained bouts of loose stool or vomiting as bacteria or spoilage can occur if we’re not being careful how and where we store our pet’s food. Listed...

Cat and dog sharing food on a plate

B.A.R.F. – The Raw Diet Low Down

The practice of feeding raw food to dogs and cats came into the mainstream after the ‘The BARF Diet’ and ‘Give Your Dog A Bone’ were published. Both of these books lack any scientific evidence and are solely based on the author’s beliefs and opinions. Most people are unaware that...