Blog: Pet Parasite Prevention

Spring Time… Tick Time!

There are ticks under those snowbanks! It’s hard to believe life can survive beneath this year’s massive crop of snowbanks, yet roses will grow, grass will return and tens of thousands of ticks will soon beat them both out as the first sign of spring. This winter’s extremes won’t have...

Ear Infections

Dogs can get in a flap over ear infections. Dogs are known for their amazing sense of hearing, but those sensitive ears are a common focus for disease, called otitis. Certain breeds are especially prone to problems. On average, busy vet clinics treat at least one “ear dog” a day....

Infected ticks are hitchhiking across Quinte!

Ticks carrying Lyme disease are spreading through the Quinte area. Fortunately, they travel a lot more slowly than misinformation. Be careful what you believe about Lyme. Even the experts disagree a lot. So, what do veterinarians know for certain about this growing and controversial problem? In medicine, there is no...

Flea Treatment 101

Flea season’s coming – are you prepared for battle? Fleas don’t stand a chance against the arsenal of potions, sprays, pills and collars aimed their way these days. However, they can still win the war if you don’t use your weapons wisely. There are two basic categories of flea prevention...